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To believe or not to believe ?

Most of my post as you may have noticed have always been generally positive , encouraging and overall upbeat but of course we cannot deny the fact that bad things happen to good ppl now this topic will take several days and only God knows how many post because it's huge ! . We will be addressing all of areas of the spiritual possibilities of how one might catch bad energies , superstitions ,religions and how to expel bad karma ,demons and bad luck in general . Some ppl face negitive and dark forces in one area of their lives while thriving in others ,while some seem to have it on every front . Some of us go through periods of not doing our best yet everything we touch turns into gold but suddenly the rug gets pulled from under us and no matter how hard we try nothing seems to work and than we wonder why ? what in the world went wrong here ? As you may have noticed I might not be the best blogger but this topic is my forte an area of life that I would consider myself an expert .I will be posting daily on this topic until I feel it's done, I will also be giving advice on how to deal with certain scenarios and recommending books to read . So make sure your checking daily and sharing with anyone you think needs this info .feel free to comment and ask questions

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